Tuesday, March 19, 2024

CST 338 - Week 3

Jotto Code Review 

1.       For this review, I reviewed Brandon H and Chris T’s codes. My code is meant to be reviewed by Ryan M and Maria I.

2.      I received some feedback about my comments being more descriptive. For example, at the beginning of my code, explaining what Jotto is and how it’s meant to work. This is definitely something I’ve always needed work on as I have a tendency to leave out comments completely.

3.      I will definitely be making more thorough comments on future assignments. Another thing I noticed for myself as I looked through other people’s codes, was that I sometimes do the error-checking inside a method instead of before it is called, which just shows that I need to slow down and read the prompt thoroughly before working through the algorithms.

4.      Nobody seemed to struggle with a specific unit test, but more so just getting used to the JUnit style of unit testing in the first place and how to connect stubs of code in order to be able to pass tests as a whole. If I had to choose a specific test, it seems that the most challenging was getLetterCount and working out how to account for doubles.

5.      The existing tests could be improved. At one point during the process of developing my code, I was passing all of the unit tests, however I had a bug that was causing a runtime exception when entering a 5-letter guess, so sometimes the code would break even though the tests implied that it was correct.

6.      My biggest struggle during this assignment was tailoring my code to the prompt. I’ve done my share of larger projects, but they’ve been generally open-ended, so I’ve been able to connect and name different methods and I saw fit. Adjusting my flow to follow the prompts and getting used to how this type of unit testing works was definitely the hardest part of this assignment for me.

7.      It seemed that most people on my team, like myself, struggled to stay aligned with the directions. I think being able to adapt to someone else’s plan of action will be invaluable moving forward, but it is definitely a skill that needs to be practiced. This was especially challenging for this assignment as it’s the first full-calorie homework and we are still getting used to Dr. C’s style.

8.     I know it’s required, but I think I’m most proud of figuring out how to run/assess the individual unit tests. I struggle with change, and I do a lot of debugging using print strings (inefficient, I know), so being able to understand what’s going on in the unit tests and also how to use them to my advantage was a win for me.

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