Tuesday, February 13, 2024

CST 300 - Module 6

 Capstone Idea Brainstorming

During our team meeting, we briefly touched on some of our group's ideas for our final capstone project. One of the ideas that we talked about a little more extensively was Ryan's idea for an inventory application. The idea reminded me of Cher's technical closet in Clueless where she was able to access the items in her closest, match them up, and the program would decide which outfits matched. The capstone project was not based on style, but it had the similar feature of being able to access and analyze the items in our house from a mobile device.

Week Review

This week we finished our Ethics Argument drafts and posted them for peer review. We also began our websites for the ILP portfolio. This is going to be an ongoing project, where we update the website with descriptions and final projects for each class. Updating my resume and drafting a cover letter was the hardest part of the week for me as I'm not too comfortable promoting myself. For the OLI modules this week, we reviewed conflict management again by practicing assertive statements and active listening. This was good information for me as I'm not the most active listener and tend to take things at face value.

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