Tuesday, February 6, 2024

CST 300 - Module 5

 Support and Comment on Teammates' Goals

Luis' Blog

Ryan's Blog

Possible Capstone Projects

After looking at some of the previous capstone projects, I had a few different ideas for my own.
One idea that is in line with my career goals would be to create a web-based game. I'd love to brush up on my JavaScript and I've built multiple games in the past in both 2D and 3D, but usually in C++ or a game engine's specific library. I'd eventually like to go into game development, so that would be a good way of highlighting what I can do as a portfolio project.
The second thing that popped into mind would be a mobile app that would work as both a scoreboard for tabletop games and a way to store stats about game nights for friend groups. My friends and I have a paper-and-pencil notebook where we track who has won each game at game nights, but we would like a more streamlined way of seeing streaks and actual scores, instead of just final results. It would also be cool to implement a game-state feature, where you could input the current game state for games that take more than one session, i.e. Pandemic Legacy.
My third thought would be a mobile chat app that would allow parents to set up both playdates and "parent" dates. In my friend group, nearly everyone has kids. I can't express the amount of times that I've heard someone say that they wish they could meet up, but they didn't have a sitter just to have another friend say that they would have loved to babysit for them. It would be great to have a live calendar where parents could post the hours that they needed a sitter for, and other parents in their "network" could volunteer to babysit during those hours. I would also like to add functionality that would allow for parents to post things (even at last minute) like "we're trying to get out of the house during 'x' hours" and other parents that might also be free during that time would have the opportunity to respond and meet up. I think this could help parents maintain their friendships and their sanity in a safe, streamlined way.


This week was a lighter week as we made progress on our Ethics Argument essays and started planning for our video projects. My team chose Haptic Technology, Generate AI in Gaming, and Transferring Consciousness as the three topics we would like to potentially research for the video. All of these seem fascinating, so I'm excited to learn about them in more depth. We also introduced two extra credit discussions about internships and grad school programs. These got me thinking about my plans through college and I would love to gain an internship that would give me real-world experience. My only concern with grad school would be scheduling issues due to my family at home, but I'm hoping that I will be able to make it work once all of my kids are in school (one year after graduation).

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