Tuesday, January 30, 2024

CST 300 - Module 4

 Education and Career Goals

After going through the readings, I've realized the importance of not only imagining goals, but writing them down. I also learned what a SMART goal is. That is, a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. My short-term educational goal is to receive an A in this class and improve my note-taking skills by the end of this course. Over the course of the CSCI online program, I'd like to receive an A or B in every course, become comfortable with Java (I currently code C++ and Python) and graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - Software Engineering in December 2025. After completing this program, I would like to go to the University of Hawaii and receive my master's degree in Computer Science.

My initial career goal is to get an entry-level developer job in the tech industry coding in C++ that allows me to take nights off and spend time with my family. Eventually, I want to get a job as a Gameplay Engineer working for an indie game company and contribute to games that are accessible and fun to play. Finally, after years in the game industry, I'd like to open a tech camp in town that would be aimed specifically at 3rd-8th graders who want to learn how to program/mod video games.

ETS Computer Science Test

After looking at the topics listed on the ETS Computer Science Test,  I believe I will do well when it comes to discrete structures and programming. I also feel confident that I'll be able to handle the sections on information management and software engineering by the end of the program. My knowledge about operating systems and computer architecture definitely needs work but hopefully I will feel more comfortable with those in 18 months. I scored a 12/16 on the sample test, or a 75%, so if I had to take a guess on the percentage I will receive 18 months from now, I would guess high 80s or low 90s. Almost all of the questions that I missed were based on computer architecture, so I definitely need to take time to study that material.

General Reflection

Besides the above material, we also collaborated on a team assignment based on OLI readings where we got to learn more about our teammates and their respective work and conflict styles. We also participated in two ethics-based discussions where we got more comfortable discussing ethical frameworks and taking a stand. This helps us to prepare for our essays on ethics in technology, which we created an outline for this week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Meagan,
    I can certainly agree with you in wanting to get a good grade in the courses for your Bachelor's degree, and I think it is great that you are willing to continue your education to get a Master's degree as well. I also think your career goals to begin as an entry level developer to become a Gameplay Engineer is great and feasible. It also helps to have small/broken up goals in developing your own games for additional knowledge in the future.
